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Oct 10, 2021 Thanksgiving Sunday
Rev. Christine Smaller
Rev. Christine Smaller
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Service and Hymns
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October 10th, 2021 Thanksgiving Sunday  

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Leading us today in worship:
Minister:                              Rev. Christine Smaller
Music Director:                  Dr. Christopher Burton
Scripture Reader:              Mike Weller
Guest Soloist:                     Marianne Zin, Soprano

Leader: regular font ~ All: bold font ~ Sung Words: bold italic font   

“Menuet” from Le Tombeau de Couperin ~ M. Ravel  

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.                      
And also with you.


Call to Worship:
In deep gratitude we come to worship God.
We recognize God as the source of all goodness.
All good gifts come from the Spirit of God:
love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness are all of God.
We come with grateful hearts, not for things, but for who God is.
We gather to show our gratitude in song and prayer.  

Opening Prayer:   
Loving and gracious God, your blessings are countless
and your love is never-ending.
As we celebrate this Thanksgiving,
we pray that you will open our hearts 
to you and to one another,
that we may share the gifts you have given us
in loving service to all people.
Gracious God,
you have done wondrous things on earth;
guide us as we care for and protect the earth,
and all who reside here.
Grant us joy of heart,
and may peace dwell with us.
We pray in your Holy Name. Amen.   

Opening HymnVU 651 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah  
1.  Guide me, O thou great Jehovah,
pilgrim through this barren land.
I am weak, but thou art mighty,
hold me with thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me till I want no more,
feed me till I want no more.  

2.  Open now the crystal fountain,
whence the healing stream doth flow;
let the fire and cloudy pillar
lead me all my journey through.
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, 
be thou still my strength and shield, 
be thou still my strength and shield.

3.  When I tread the verge of Jordan,
bid my anxious fears subside;
death of death, and hell's destruction,
land me safe on Canaan's side:
songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to thee,
I will ever give to thee.                   

Prayer for Illumination:
God of extravagant grace,
may your Spirit refresh our hearts
through the reading of the scriptures
that we may perceive all the good we can do for Christ
and so grow in our faith. Amen.  

1 Timothy 2:1-7     (NRSV)
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.  This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, who gave himself a ransom for all—this was attested at the right time.  For this I was appointed a herald and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Psalm 95:  VU 814
Come, let us bow down and worship;
let us kneel before God our maker.  

Part One (1-7)
O come, let us sing to God,
     let us shout with joy to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come into God's presence with thanksgiving;
     let us joyously shout to God with songs of praise.
Come, let us bow down and worship;
let us kneel before God our maker.  

For you are a great God,
     high sovereign above all gods.
In your hand are the depths of the earth;
     to you belong the heights of the mountains.
The sea is yours, for you made it;
     your hands also formed the dry land.
You are indeed our God;
     we are your people, the flock that you shepherd.
Come, let us bow down and worship;
let us kneel before God our maker.  

Part Two (8-11)
O that today you would listen to God's voice;
"Do not harden your heart as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the wilderness;
when your forbears tried me, and put me to the test
though they had seen my works.
Forty years I loathed that generation, and said,
'They are a people whose hearts are perverse,
for they give no heed to my ways.
Then, I vowed in my anger:
they shall not enter my rest."
Come, let us bow down and worship;
let us kneel before God our maker.    

Matthew 6:25-33
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?  And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’  For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.  

Musical Interlude
How Can I Keep from Singing ~ American Folksong 
Soloist: Marianne Zin, Soprano.  


Hymn:   MV 144  Like a Healing Stream
1.  Like a healing stream in a barren desert,
Spirit water bringing life to dusty earth,
God is trickling through our lives as in a dream unfolding,
promising revival and rebirth...
like a healing stream.

2.  Like a gentle rain on a thirsty garden,
Spirit water come to nourish tiny seed,
God is bubbling through the soil to coax a new creation,
yearning for an end to want and need...
like a gentle rain.  

3.  Like a river strong with a restless current,
Spirit water rushing on to distant shore,
God is carving out a channel in a new direction,
calling for an end to hate and war...
like a river strong.  

4.  Like a mighty sea reaching far horizons,
Spirit water with a love both deep and wide,
God is working in our hearts to shape a new tomorrow:
God will always challenge and provide!
Like a mighty sea, like a river strong,
like a gentle rain, like a healing stream.             

Prayers of the People
Give thanks to the Lord who is good.
God’s love is everlasting.
Come, let us praise God joyfully.
Let us come to God with thanksgiving.  

For the good world;
for things great and small,
beautiful and awesome;
for seen and unseen splendours;
Thank you, God.  

For human life;
for talking and moving and thinking together;
for common hopes and hardships shared from birth until our dying;
Thank you, God.

For work to do and strength to work;
for the comradeship of labour;
for exchanges of good humour and encouragement;
Thank you, God.  

For family;
for living together and eating together;
for family amusements and family pleasures;
Thank you, God.  

For children;
for their energy and curiosity;
for their brave play and startling frankness;
for their sudden sympathies;
Thank you, God.  

For the young;
for their high hopes;
for their irreverence toward worn-out values;
for their search for freedom;
Thank you, God.  

For growing up and growing old;
for wisdom deepened by experience;
for rest in leisure;
and for time made precious by its passing;
Thank you, God.  

For your help in times of doubt and sorrow;
for healing our diseases;
for preserving us in temptation and danger;
Thank you, God.  

For the church into which we have been called;
for the good news we receive by Word and Sacrament;
for our life together;
We praise you, God.  

For your Holy Spirit,
who guides our steps and brings us gifts of faith and love;
who prays in us and prompts our grateful worship;
We praise you, God.  

Above all, O God, for your beloved child Jesus Christ,
who lived and died and lives again for our redemption;
for our hope in Christ;
and for the joy of serving you;
We thank and praise you, Eternal God,
for your everlasting love. Amen.   

The Lord’s Prayer:
As a child turns to a loving caregiver who watches over them, we turn in prayer to you O god, who are our heavenly parent, our mother,
Our Father who art in heaven…  

Passing the Peace:
The Peace of Christ be with you all.                         
And also with you.  

Everyone is invited to share the peace of Christ by offering a message in the chat box. 
You may also wish to think of someone you would like to pass the peace to this week.

Music while we share the Peace of Christ
Improvisation on a Hymn ~ C. Burton  

Invitation & Dedication of the Offering:
With your donations on line by using the GIVE icon, on your screen, by cheque, e-transfer and PAR... your donations support the ministries of this church and reach worldwide. May each gift be used to its fullest by following the open mindedness of Jesus.      

A single stone placed in the offering plate honours all our gifts.
Donate online:,  select “Give”
    or contact the office by email:
    or  phone: 519-599-2438 to arrange a cheque pick-up, or an e-transfer
    Mail: Grace UC, 140 Bruce St. S. PO Box 219, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0

Care, Prayer, Share


Closing Hymn: MV 138 My Love Colours Outside the Lines  
1.  My love colours outside the lines,
exploring paths that few could ever find;
and takes me into places where I've never been before,
and opens doors to worlds outside the lines.  

2.  My Lord colours outside the lines,
turns wounds to blessings, water into wine;
and takes me into places where I've never been before,
and opens doors to worlds outside the lines. 
We'll never walk on water if we're not prepared to drown,
body and soul need a soaking from time to time.
And we'll never move the gravestones if we're not prepared to die,
and realize there are worlds outside the lines.  

3.  My soul longs to colour outside the lines, 
tear back the curtains, sun, come in and shine;
I want to walk beyond the boundaries where I've never been before, 
throw open doors to worlds outside the lines.
We'll never walk on water if we're not prepared to drown,
body and soul need a soaking from time to time. 
And we'll never move the gravestones if we're not prepared to die,
and realize there are worlds outside the lines.

4.  My soul longs to colour outside the lines, 
tear back the curtains, sun, come in and shine;
I want to walk beyond the boundaries where I've never been before, 
throw open doors to worlds outside the lines.  

Commissioning and Benediction
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
May God’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

May the broad expanse of God’s love
and the abundance of the holy riches in glory,
shape your perspective on your own life and needs, 
including those things which disappoint you.

May the eyes of your heart be open
to all the blessings which surround you;
may this awareness produce a harvest of generosity in your spirit.

May thankfulness rise up within you,
not just during this short season,
but day after day,
from the early morning watch until you retire for the night.

May your prayers reflect gratitude,
while also acknowledging the needs of others
whose situations are so drastically different.

May thoughts of Jesus fill your mind,
and hunger for God drive your soul,
and love for all creation guide your speech and your actions. 

And finally, may the grace, peace, and love of the triune God,
protect, defend, and empower you
to run with perseverance the race marked out for you.    

Sung Blessing:                   Go Now in Peace
Go now in peace. Never be afraid.
God will go with you each hour of every day.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true,
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe.
each out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there, * within, around, above.
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.
Amen, amen, amen.  

* alternate words: watching from above

Rigaudon” from Tombeau de Couperin ~ M. Ravel  


RESOURCES USED (all with permission):
Prayers and Liturgies:
-  Call to Worship:   posted on The Presbyterian Church in Canada website
-  Opening Prayer: from the website of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.
-  Invitation to and Dedication of the Offering by Orleen Anderson
-  Prayers of the People:  from the Book of Common Worship, 1993.
-  Benediction:  written by Joe Sherer pastor of the Mount Joy Mennonite Church, and posted on A Daily Prayer.

Hymns and Sung Responses:
-   “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.” Words: Welsh, William Williams 1745; English Trans. Peter Williams and William Williams 1771. Music: John Hughes 1905. Public Domain
-   “Like a Healing Stream.” Words and music: Bruce Harding, 2003. Words and music copyright © 2003 by Bruce Harding. One License #608577
-   “My Love Colours Outside the Lines.”  Words and music: Gordon Light 1994: Arrangement: Andrew Donaldson 1998. Words and music copyright © 1994 Common Cup Company. Used by permission. Arrangement copyright © 1998 Andrew Donaldson. One License #608577
-    Psalm Sung Response: R. Gerald Hobbs 1993. Music copyright  © 1993 R. Gerald Hobbs
-  “Go Now in Peace.” Words by Don Besig and Nancy Price. © 1988 Harold Flammer Music, Inc. Alternate words used with permission. Reproduced with permission, One License, #608577.  

-  Prelude: "Menuet" from Le Tombeau de Couperin      M.Ravel
-  Interlude: How Can I Keep from Singing   American Folksong   Marianne Zin, Soprano    Arranged by Richard Walters. Published by Hal Leonard Corporation. One License # 608577
-  Passing of the Peace:  Improvisation on a Hymn  C. Burton
-  Postlude:  "Rigaudon" from Le Tombeau de Couperin    M.Ravel