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Jan 16-2022 A Sunday of Music
Dr. Christopher Burton
Dr. Christopher Burton
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Service and Hymns
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JANUARY 16th, 2022

A Sunday of Music

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Leading us today in Worship:
Music Director:     Dr. Christopher Burton
Scripture Reader: Carol Clarke
Choir Members:   Shirley Woolner, Debby Weale & Mary Poulin  

~ Leader: regular font ~ All: bold font ~ Sung words: bold italics  

Sonata in B Flat Major ~ G.F. Handel 

GREETING: (2 Cor. 13:13)                            
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you. 


Acknowledgement of the Traditional Territory 

Let us come together in worship. Let us do this humbly and prayerfully, remembering always that God is good and will see us through our trials. 

Lighting the Christ Candle:
The Christ candle is lit.
Light to soften shadows. 
Light to warm the air. 
Light to warm our hearts. 
Light of presence, refining light, light of Christ. 

Dear Lord, let us share each other's talents and gifts, which may be musical or technical, or in any field of endeavour. Give us each a kind hand and a kind heart, so needed as you lead us through these unpredictable and unprecedented difficult times.  

OPENING HYMN: VU 218 “We Praise you, O God”
1. We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator;
in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. 
We lay it before you; we kneel and adore you; 
we bless your holy name, glad praises we sing. 

2. We worship you, God of our mothers and fathers,
through trial and tempest, companion and guide.
When perils overtake us, you will not forsake us,
but faithful to your promise, your walk by our side. 

3. With voices united our praises we offer 
and gladly our songs of thanksgiving we raise. 
Our sins now confessing, we pray for your blessing, 
to you, our great Redeemer, forever be praise! 

PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION:VU 371 ”Open My Eyes, That I May See” v. 1 & 2
1. Open my eyes, that I may see
glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
place in my hands the wonderful key
that shall unclasp and set me free. 
    Silently now I wait for thee, 
    ready, my God, thy will to see. 
    Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! 

2. Open my ears, that I may hear
voices of truth thou sendest clear;
and while the wave notes fall on my ear,
everything false will disappear. 
    Silently now I wait for thee, 
    ready, my God, thy will to see, 
    Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine! 

1 Corinthians 12: 1-11   (NRSV)\

Spiritual Gifts
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.  You know that when you were pagans, you were enticed and led astray to idols that could not speak. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says “Let Jesus be cursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit.
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.

The word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God. 

Improvisation on a Hymn ~ C. Burton 

During the pandemic, we have come to appreciate the gifts of many who do jobs that are far from glamorous but are essential to our well-being. It is not too late to write letters of thanks or show appreciation to those in our community of faith as well as the broader community. 

Let us give thanks, always and for everything, saying, “We thank you, God.” 

For the beauty and wonder of creation,
we thank you, God.
For all that is gracious in the lives of all your people, revealing the image of Christ,
we thank you, God.
For food and shelter, for families and friends, 
we thank you, God.
For minds to think and hearts to love,
we thank you, God.
For the strength work, for delight in play,
For the energy to live and time to seek your way,
we thank you, God.
For those who are courageous in conflict, patient in suffering,
And faithful in adversity,
we thank you, God.
For all who pursue justice, truth, and peace,
we thank you, God.
Today, we give thanks especially for …

For these signs of your love,
we thank you, God.
For all the saints who have reflected the light of Christ,
we thank you, God.
These and all our prayers, spoken and unspoken, we offer to you through Jesus,
Your Gift and our Salvation. Amen  

Simple Gifts/Lord of the Dance Piano Solo ~ arr. C. Burton 

HYMN: VU 633 “Bless Now O God, the Journey” 
1. Bless now, O God, the journey 
that all your people make, 
the path through noise and silence, 
the way of give and take. 
The trail is found in desert 
and winds the mountain round, 
then leads beside still waters, 
the road where faith is found. 

2. Bless sojourners and pilgrims 
who share this winding way, 
whose hope burns through the terrors, 
whose love sustains the day. 
We yearn for holy freedom 
while often we are bound.  
Together we are seeking 
the road where faith is found. 

3. Divine Eternal Lover, 
you meet us on the road. 
We wait for lands of promise 
where milk and honey flow. 
But waiting not for places, 
you meet us all around. 
Our covenant is written 
on roads, as faith is found. 

Impromptu in G Flat Major, Op.90 #3 ~ F. Schubert 

VU  430 God be in My Head ~ Solo by C. Burton 

HYMN: VU 559 “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing”
1. Come, O Fount of every blessing,
tune my heart to sing your grace;
streams of mercy, never ceasing
call for songs of endless praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount; I’m fixed upon it,
mount of God’s unfailing love. 

2. Here I pause in my sojourning,
giving thanks for having come,
come to trust, at every turning,
God will guide me safely home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God,
came to rescue me from danger,
precious presence, precious blood. 

3. O, to grace how great a debtor
daily I am drawn anew!
Let that grace now, like a fetter, 
bind my wandering heart to you. 
Prone to wander, I can feel it, 
wander from the love I’ve known: 
here’s my heart, O, take and seal it, 
seal it for your very own. 

Dear God, I am tired. So tired.
My shoulders ache, 
my hip is out of joint,
and I am limping with the weight 
of stuff that is not mine to carry.
Help me to be humble:
to know my limits, 
where I am stretched 
beyond what is healthy or reasonable. 
Forgive my pride, the foolish illusion 
that I am not important enough 
to make a difference 
and too important 
to leave my fears and work in your hands.
Help me to truly learn from you, 
O Jesus, and to rest in you.
In you, I will find true peace 
and the ways and means 
to truly serve you.
May my witness of faith 
be a blessing to you and a gift to the world, 
here and now, changing lives 
with the small gestures of kindness 
that build and transform our world.
In Christ, I pray, amen. 

As a child turns to a loving caregiver who watches over them, we turn in prayer to you O God, who are our heavenly parent, our mother,
Our Father, who art in Heaven… 

The Peace of Christ be with you.         
And also with you.

We share the peace of Christ by typing in the chat box. You may also think of one person with whom you would like to share the peace of Christ.  

Blessed are the Pure in Heart ~ H. Walford Davies 

Let us take this moment to donate as generously to the church as we are able online, via mail, and by PAR.
Ponder why we do it, why we come, and what the church is in our community and in our life. 

O God of the many spectacular gifts, we give in thanksgiving. We pray that you may take these gifts that we offer as well as those given through PAR, blessing and sanctifying all that we give. Let your love grow and spread around us. This we ask in the name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen. 

Join us by Zoom following this service for:
Coffee Hour
The link was sent out by e-blast.

HYMN:  MV 161” I Have Called You by Your Name”
1. I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine. 
I will not abandon you; all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called, and chosen; you are mine. 

2. I will help you learn my name as you go;
read it written in my people, help them grow.
Pour the water in my name, speak the word your soul can claim,
offer Jesus’ body given long ago. 

3. I know you will need my touch as you go;
feel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow,
Like the woman reaching out, choosing faith in spite of doubt,
hold the hem of Jesus’ robe, then let it go. 

4. I have given you a name, it is mine;
I have given you my Spirit as a sign.
With my wonder in your soul, make my wounded children whole;
Go and tell my precious people they are mine. 

May blessings abound around you this day. Feeling God’s loving presence among us, let us go forth into the world, allowing our light to shine on all we meet. 

SUNG BLESSING: VU 429 “May the Blessing of God be Upon You”
May the blessing of God be upon you,
May God’s love light all your way.
May the grace of Christ enfold you
And peace around you stay.
May the spirit of God dwell within you.
May you live in joy each day. 

Variations on a Theme by Handel  ~  Handel/Brahms 



LITURGY SOURCES: The following are used with permission:
Acknowledgement of Territory: written by Lori van Santvoort-Jansekovitch, Broadway UC., Thunder Bay, On.
Call to Worship. Lighting of Candles, Opening Prayer, Prayer of Invitation, Dedication of Offering & Benediction: written by Christopher Burton.
Prayer of Thanksgiving: VU 929A Words: Adapted from Book of Alternative Services, 1985, alt., © 1985 The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada
Prayers of the People: Minister’s Prayer During the Pandemic written by Wendy MacLean, of Christ United Church, Lyn On. Which appeared in Gathering, Spring 2021. 

- “We Praise You, O God: ”Words: Julia Cory1902, alt. Music: Netherlands melody 1626, harm. Edward Kremser 1877, desc. Scott Withrow 1980 Descant copyright © 1980 G.I.A. Publications, Inc. One License #608577
- “Open My Eyes, That I Might See:” Words: Clara H. Scott 1895. Music: Clara H. Scott 1895. Public Domain
- “Bless Now, O God, the Journey:” Words: Sylvia Dunstan 1989. Music: Basil Harwood 1898. Words copyright © 1991 G.I.A. Publications Inc. Music published by permission of Executors of the late Dr. Basil Harwood. One License #608577
- “Come, O Fount of Every Blessing:” Words: Robert Robinson 1758, alt. Music: John Wyeth, Repository of Sacred Music, Part 11 1813. Words alterations copyright © 1993 The Pilgrim Press. Public Domain
- “I Have called You by Your name:” Words & music: Daniel Charles Damon 1995: French trans. David Fines. 2006. Words & music copyright © 1995 Hope Publishing Co. Carol Stream, IL. 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission. One License #608577
- “May the Blessing of God Be Upon You:” Words: R. Gordon Nodwell 1989. Music: William H.M.Wright 1989.Words copyright © 1995 R. Gordon Nodwell. Music copyright  © 1995 William H.M. Wright. 

Scripture Passage from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission.  

Prelude: Sonata in B Flat Major ~ G.F. Handel 
Improvisation on a Hymn ~ C. Burton
Music for Passing the Peace: Blessed are the Pure in Heart ~ H. Walford Davies
Postlude: Variations on a Theme by Handel  ~ Handel/BrahmsAll in Public Domain
Special Music:
Simple Gifts/Lord of the Dance:” Piano Solo arr. C. Burton.             
“Impromptu in G Flat Major, Op. 90 #3:”   F. Schubert.                                                               
“God be in My Head.” Words: from The Book of Hours 1514. Music: H. Walford Davies 1910.
All in Public Domain