Spiritual Care:
Please contact the church office 519-599-2438 or
Rev. John G. Smith at 519-270-5373 / revjgs@gmail.com
Emergency Pastoral Care:
Rev. Smith 519-270-5373 / revjgs@gmail.com
Administration desk 519-599-2438 / graceucworship@gmail.com.
Know anyone who needs a card from Grace? We like to let our congregants know we are thinking of them during times of illness, bereavement and on special occasions. Please keep our Pastoral Care Team informed by contacting Teddi Murray 705-445-3195 or teddimurray@gmail.com
Parishioners in the hospital: If you, a family member or someone you know in the congregation is hospitalized, please contact Administration at 519-599-2438 or graceucworship@gmail.com.
For more information about Pastoral Care Programs, check out the Membership, Visitation and Communication page.
To arrange a funeral, please call the church office at 519-599-2438.
Our Prayerful Ministry Group (Healing Pathway) meets each Wednesday at 10:30am at Grace. For more information, appointments or to request prayers contact us at healingpathwaythornbury@gmail.com or contact Marilyn Parkin.
Click here for a video introduction to The Healing Pathway Canada.
For information about The Healing Pathway go to www.healingpathway.ca.