Georgian Bay Home Share
{For information contact: or 519 378 4734}
Georgian Bay Home Share, (GBHS) is a unique and innovative ministry and outreach of Grace United Church in Thornbury, Ont. GBHS believes that everyone deserves a home that is safe, affordable and comfortable.
In the Blue Mountains 38.7 percent of tenant households are spending 30 percent or more of their income on shelter costs. The average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings is $1405.00. In Meaford 35.9 percent of tenant households spend 30 percent or more on shelter costs. The average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings is $986.00.
Many seniors in this area are living alone in their homes. They are often lonely and are having difficulty maintaining their homes. With inflation rates so high, some need to supplement their finances to cover the increase in household expenses. They also would feel safer and more secure having someone living with them.
The Home Share concept is for home seekers and home providers to share living space within the home. Some of the benefits of this arrangement are a mutual sharing of talents and abilities, culture, family and friends, interests and activities and the support and encouragement for each other. There is a sharing of household work and expense with an exchange of services in lieu of some rent. A win/win situation, resulting in a safety net and an increase in the health and welfare of both individuals.
Georgian Bay Home Share will seek out home providers and home seekers who are interested in the home share concept. There will be several in- depth interviews of both parties by a qualified team. All information provided will be confidential. Everyone comes from a different background and has a different story. All interactions will be respectful to everyone involved.
We believe that the match between the home seeker and the home provider must be done with the utmost care. The outcome must be a successful match where both participants are comfortable with their living arrangement. Support and encouragement for the individuals will be provided for 6 months post match.
GBHS is just one solution to the housing crisis. We are committed to work with, learn from and support other organizations that are working in this area. We will be reaching out to local organizations for support and assistance to promote and finance this project.
The Watkins Fund for Innovative Ministries with Senior Adults at The United Church of Canada Foundation has generously provided a grant to Georgian Bay Home Share. Participation at Grace United church is not a criteria to participate in GBHS.
For further information or 519 378 4734.
We believe in a world in which sharing housing is a commonly accepted living arrangement and individuals feel happy, safe and at peace with their home mates.
Homeshare Canada.